
NAFTA Negotiations Continue Next Week

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Negotiations for revamping the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will continue next week as all sides remain hopeful to reach a deal this month. Top-level talks, according to reports, will continue after a U.S. trade delegation returns from China.

naftaU.S. officials and negotiators from Canada and Mexico have been eying an early May finish line, and in mid-April, Vice President Mike Pence said it was a “real possibility” an agreement could be reached in the next several weeks.

However, just between Canada and the U.S., issues like dairy, dispute-resolution mechanisms, a proposed five-year sunset clause, and intellectual property remain unresolved, according to The Canadian Press.

Still, all sides appear positive an agreement will be reached soon.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.