
NAFTA Clock Is Ticking

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

The Trump Administration is working against the clock to get the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations done in time for a vote during this year’s December session of Congress. If the Administration wants a vote this year, the deadline is this Thursday, May 17.

naftaPolitico says Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s deadline makes it uncertain whether or not the NAFTA nation’s top trade negotiators will be able to push that new deal across the finish line because a number of unresolved issues are still on the table.

Ryan also says the “promise of a deal won’t do.” He wants it on paper from the U.S. Trade Representative by May 17 for a vote this year.

U.S., Canadian, and Mexican trade ministers have been meeting for the last four consecutive days as they try to iron out differences. Much of the recent discussions have centered on the automotive rules of origin issue. Some of the other complicated issues to deal with include the seasonal produce proposal, investor-state dispute settlement, and market access for dairy.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer tells lawmakers he’s taking steps to tackle Canada’s milk pricing program, which American dairy farmers want killed in NAFTA 2.0.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.