
Monsanto Pulls GM Cottonseed Application in India

DanCotton, Industry News Release

Monsanto has pulled its application for approval for its next generation of genetically modified cotton seed in India. The St Louis Post-Dispatch calls the move a “major escalation in a long-running dispute” between India and Monsanto. A business partner from India for the St Louis, Missouri-based Monsanto recently sent a letter to India’s government objecting a proposal to force Monsanto to share its technology with local seed companies. The company is also at odds with India over how much it can charge for its genetically modified cotton seed, costing Monsanto tens of millions of dollars in lost revenue every year. Pulling the application could set back Monsanto’s efforts to introduce its new seed, called Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex technology. It could also hurt India’s cotton farmers as the new seed variety helps fight against weeds.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.