Millennials are Big Organic Consumers

DanIndustry News Release, Organic

Organic market fruits and vegetables millennials
The Organic Trade Association says millennials are big consumers of organic foods and other organic products. OTA announced the U.S. Families’ Organic Attitudes and Beliefs 2016 Tracking Study during a conference last week. The survey shows about 52 percent of household heads that buy organic food are millennials in the 18- to-34-year-old age group, according to Agri-Pulse. Behind millennials, 35 percent of household heads that buy organic are in the Generation X category of 35 to 50 years old and 14 percent are baby boomers, 51 to 69 years old. The survey, which hasn’t been published yet in full, also shows that 54 percent of millennials put a high level of trust in the organic seal on food. The survey also shows that 77 percent of American consumers consider themselves “very knowledgeable” about organic qualities. The study polled more than 1,800 households throughout the country with at least one child under 18 years old.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

Read more from the Organic Trade Association about Households headed by Millennial parents the biggest organic-buying group.