
Mexico, Canada, Committed to NAFTA, With or Without the U.S.

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

canadaIf President Donald Trump does intend to follow through on his threats to terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada and Mexico will opt to stay in. Mexico’s Economy Minister told Reuters last week that Mexico and Canada would remain in the accord, even if the Trump Administration abandoned the free trade agreement. Trump argues the agreement has cost the United States jobs and industrial capacity, while Mexico says the integration of the region has made it more competitive, helping to protect jobs. Depending on the year Canada is either the largest or second largest export destination for U.S. agriculture, while Mexico is consistently the third largest market. Combined, they account for about one-third of U.S. agricultural exports. Since implementation, agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico have totaled approximately $310 billion and increased by more than 300 percent from pre-NAFTA levels, according to the American Farm Bureau.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.