Making Strides in Funding Water Infrastructure Improvements

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Water

Water Infrastructure

The process of funding improvements to California’s water infrastructure is showing incremental advancement. Executive Director of the California Farm Water Coalition, Mike Wade said the administrative process can be a slow progression. However, federal support is helping move multiple water projects forward. Ongoing water infrastructure efforts such as the Sites Reservoir Project are demonstrating positive momentum.

“Those are the things that need to happen. The Bureau of Reclamation is getting money from two significant federal funding sources, from the infrastructure bill and Inflation Reduction Act. It will bring billions of dollars into the West, into California, for new projects, for water use efficiency, WaterSMART, for canal repairs, everything that we need to do,” Wade explained. “The money is there. The timing is there. We’ve got to have the will to get that money working and make California a better agriculture state with more water and more storage for everybody that lives here.”

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West