nutrition school lunch

Lunch Packed with Nutrition

DanEducation, General, Industry News Release

nutrition school lunch
Cathy Isom checks out how to pack as much nutrition as possible in your child’s school lunch. That story’s ahead on This Land of Ours.

Lunch Packed with Nutrition

Schools are serving more nutritious meals. And food and nutrition experts say, we should too if we are packing lunches for our kids.

The truth is nutrition really matters as we’re trying to help them achieve their best in school.

Sandy Procter, Kansas State University Extension food and nutrition specialist. She says whether they’re in sports or after school activities, whatever the demands are that come their way on any given school day, good nutrition is key in their success. Here are some things to consider when we pack that school lunch.

Aim for one or two servings of a whole grain or some type of complex carbohydrate… two the three ounces of a lean meat or protein…and two servings of a fruit or fruit and vegetable. And then that serving of dairy.

Even if you can’t fit all of that nutrition into one bag or lunchbox, many cafeterias offer milk or fruit – or items from the salad bar that can be purchased separately.