Look Out for Paperwork with Unauthorized Cal/OSHA Letterhead

Brian GermanIndustry News Release, Radio Reports

Industry members are being advised to watch out for misleading paperwork coming in the mail. The California Farm Labor Contractor Association (CFLCA) has been notified that companies have been sending paperwork out using the official letterhead of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA). CFLCA has been informed that Cal/OSHA did not authorize the use of their official letterhead and are looking into the matter.

“It can be very intimidating, very scary if you get something that’s addressed to you from Cal/OSHA. You should take something that comes from a government agency very seriously, but this is not Cal/OSHA,” said Lupe Sandoval CFLCA Executive Director. “Be very cautious when you get those letters, read them all the way through and if at the end it doesn’t say Cal/OSHA and if you have any doubts about it, contact your local Cal/OSHA enforcement office for verification.”

Listen to the radio report below.

Look Out for Paperwork with Unauthorized Cal/OSHA Letterhead
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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West