
Lighthizer: NAFTA Deal Needed within the Next Few Weeks

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer this week said a North American Free Trade Agreement deal must be reached “within a week or two” of the next meeting of trade negotiators. Officials from the U.S., Canada and Mexico are scheduled lighthizerto meet next week again to hammer out remaining details in the renegotiation effort.

Lighthizer says negotiators must reach an agreement soon to have any chance for an amended NAFTA to pass through the U.S. Congress this year, according to Politico. Lighthizer continued that he would rather get an agreement considered in the current Congress, than “risk a shift in priorities in 2019.” However, little movement will be made before the meeting next week of trade negotiators.

Lighthizer made his comments during a U.S. Chamber of Commerce event earlier this week before jetting off to China to discuss trade issues between China and the United States.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.