
Japan to Consider TPP Approval

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Japan trade
Lawmakers in Japan are starting to discuss legislation to implement and ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). DTN reports the current administration in Japan wants to approve the trade agreement before the U.S. presidential election next month. Japanese lawmakers have paved the way to consider TPP, after approving a supplementary Fiscal 2016 budget that was standing ahead in line of TPP. That leaves TPP related legislation as the next and effectively only remaining legislation to be debated by lawmakers. Deliberations began Friday as Japan’s government urged the nation’s parliament to quickly pass the deal to pressure the U.S. into approving TPP. Japan says there is “absolutely no intention” of renegotiating the trade deal. However, Japan must overcome its own opposition, as an opposition group cites the U.S. presidential candidates opposition as a reason to not support the trade agreement.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.