Invisible ‘Barcode’ Helping Traceability

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Field & Row Crops, Grain, Specialty Crops, Technology, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

Some technology in the agriculture industry is looking at an old problem in the food supply chain. Food safety and traceability has always been a heavily debated topic, but as technology advances in the industry, so does traceability ideas. A company called SafeTraces, formally known as DNATrek, found a way to bridge the traceability gaps they saw in the system.

CEO Anthony Zografos says traceability was lost as soon as the product packaging was thrown away.The SafeTraces product uses all natural, existing DNA from things that you wouldn’t normally see in the food supply chain and creates a combination of sorts. Zografos says this system now allows food to be traceable long after it has been unpacked.

Invisible ‘Barcode’ on Food

The code isn’t visible and is all natural, so it’s safe to consume. The product is applied to food in the wash period that contains a light wax, and Zografos says they tested its durability. Some food products that already contain a waxy skin make it almost impossible to rub the coding off.

Code is Safe and Durable