A group of pre-qualified buyers from Latin America and Southeast Asia is coming to California to cultivate trade relationships with California producers. These types of trade missions have been successful in the past with other California commodities and other trading partners.
“We bring in buyers from other countries that are looking to source California dried fruits and nuts,” said Frank Nunez, Interim Director for the California Center for International Trade Development at State Center Community College District. “We do multiple countries from different regions of the U.S. where they’re looking to buy these products and there’s a high demand and there’s growth in these markets.”
The buyers that have been selected from Latin America and Southeast Asia have been verified as having significant purchasing power. Nunez noted that in similar trade trips such as this, between $15 million and $17 million in sales have been generated.
“They’ll come to California; we’ll spend about a week with them. We take them on site visits and then we do two regional business-to-business meetings,” said Nunez. “One will take place in Fresno and the second one will be taking place in Sacramento. So, this way we can get a full range of companies to participate.”
Listen to the report below.