gutter garden

How to Create a Gutter Garden

DanThis Land of Ours

gutter garden

Cathy Isom has some great information on a different way of gardening. She lets you know how to create a gutter garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

How to Create a Gutter Garden

There are all sorts of fun and inventive ways to grow your favorite flowers, herbs, and veggies. Whether you’re hoping to save space or money, or you enjoy finding unique planters to make your space stand out, a gutter garden is easy to build in a variety of ways. 

Gutter gardens are usually made using old rain gutters. These are easily up-cycled and repurposed into planters.  The concept is simple: you just use the gutter as a long planter.

Gutter gardens work well for growing plants that you’d typically place in 4-inch pots. They allow you to grow many plants and herbs. Gardeners typically use them to grow annuals with shallow roots, along with herbs, greens, and flowers.

Do it yourself garden gutters are small space savers, low cost, and can be a work of art.

I’m Cathy Isom…