Hold The Line Against Huanglongbing: The Time Has Come to Meet ACP Head On

Brian GermanSponsored Content

HLB Can Be Devastating
HLB is the most devastating citrus disease worldwide and threatens all commercial citrus production. According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service 2018 Annual Statistical Bulletin, Florida has lost 72% of its citrus production since 2010 as well as 175,000 acres of citrus trees and $314 million dollars since the rise of ACP. In the U.S., 5.6 million metric tons of citrus were lost due to ACP.

What’s at stake for California growers?
California represents 59% of U.S. citrus production with 265,000 acres of citrus producing $2.4 billion dollars value. According to California Citrus Mutual (CCM), infected trees have been found in Southern California and quarantine areas are growing. Best management practices center around controlling ACP through use of insecticides and removing infected trees.

How ACP Works in Citrus Plants
ACP damages citrus directly by feeding on new leaf growth (flush). More importantly, ACP is a vector of the bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLa), which causes HLB and transmits the bacteria into the phloem when it is feeding on flush. The bacteria multiply in the tree’s phloem tissue, blocking the flow of nutrients through the plant. If not managed, citrus trees will die within 3 to 5 years. Effective control of ACP reduces the chance that a citrus tree will contract HLB and helps ensure a healthy, productive tree.

ACP and Insect Management from Bayer
Bayer has a proven insecticide portfolio that helps protect against citrus pests in California and provides the foundation for season-long ACP control. Using multiple modes of action and a range of application times and methods helps ensure crop quality and allows growers to stay ahead of HLB.

Proven Season-long Protection Application Timeline
For season-long protection, use Movento® at pre-bloom to help control ACP and red scale. At full-bloom, use Sivanto® Prime to help control ACP and citricola scale and to suppress citrus thrips. Using Admire® Pro at post-bloom promotes further protection against ACP and citricola scale. At fruit growth, Movento helps control ACP, and during harvest, Baythroid® XL helps protect against ACP, citrus thrips and katydids.

Protecting the California Citrus Industry
Bayer has partnered with California Citrus Mutual (CCM) to help prevent the spread of HLB and preserve the California citrus industry through the Abandoned Citrus Tree (ACT) Removal Program. Without monitoring, trees that neighbor a commercial grove could easily become a host and bring pests and HLB into an otherwise healthy area. The ACT Removal Program allows growers to identify and request removal of abandoned trees that can pose a threat to their groves.

Learn more about what the Bayer portfolio of insecticides can do for you.