heritage action

Heritage Action Praises Trump’s Budget Proposals

DanIndustry News Release

heritage actionHeritage Action is a conservative think tank known for criticizing programs at the USDA. The Hagstrom Report says the group applauds White House budget proposals released this week. However, the group did say it was disappointed the proposals didn’t include structural changes to Medicare and Social Security. Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham calls budget proposals “visionary documents,” saying that the Trump proposal would put taxpayers first by directing their dollars toward the most effective programs. “It’s the type of document our president promised on the campaign trail,” he says, “including some serious, structural reforms to our nation’s entitlement system.” He added that the failure to address Social Security and Medicare would make it difficult for the nation to address its ever-growing debt. “The Trump budget presents an opportunity for Republicans to unite around fiscally responsible reform for food stamps, disability insurance, and the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Needham says.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.