Hemp Webinar Covering Cultivation and Production Coming Up This Week

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Radio Reports

Hemp Webinar

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is hosting a hemp webinar this week on Thursday, September 9. The live webinar will begin at 11 a.m. and is focused on taking a deep dive into hemp production and cultivation on the west coast. The agenda features topics including the planning of a hemp operation, the risks involved with hemp production, genetics, seed selection, and financial planning.

Researchers and other experts from NCAT, Oregon State University, the Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center, and Kentucky State University will all be providing information to attendees. A hemp farmer from Southern Oregon will also be part of the panel, to go over his experiences with hemp production. Other issues that will be addressed during the webinar include agronomic best practices, labor planning, integrated pest management, and irrigation.

Listen to the radio report below.

Hemp Webinar Covering Cultivation and Production Coming Up This Week
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West