
Help the Planet – Environmentally Friendly Holidays

DanEnvironment, This Land of Ours

planetCathy Isom has some ways to be environmentally friendly, letting you know how you can help out the planet while ringing in the holidays this year. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Help the Planet – Environmentally Friendly Holidays

Tis the season when families reunite…friends gather…and the food and beverages are a plenty. But it’s not necessarily the best time of the year for the planet if we all don’t do our part by making some ecologically smarter choices. And there are plenty of ways to be kinder to Mother Earth when ringing in the holidays with your favorite guests without misusing resources and piling up trash.

One thing you can do… is the dishes! Don’t bother buying a bunch of disposable plates, cutlery, cups, and even cookware that will eventually end up in a landfill. Make a game of either washing the dishes or having people bringing their own crockery.

Another thing, avoiding anything disposable, such as decorations, table cloths, even gifts. Save yourself some money, while saving the planet.

I’m Cathy Isom…