
Halloween Pumpkin Leftovers

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

halloweenDon’t throw those pumpkin carvings away. Cathy Isom lets you know what to do with your Halloween pumpkin leftovers. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Halloween Pumpkin Leftovers

For those waiting until the last minute, like me, to carve that Halloween pumpkin you may be wondering what else you can do with all of that leftover flesh.

Instead of being so quick to just toss everything into the trash, flesh and seeds, there are so many ways and many meals that you can toss it in. Such as smoothies, dips, homemade stock or broth, curry, oats, breads, pies of course, and even mac and cheese. And, also roast the seeds.

The pumpkin itself is a fruit. And it’s loaded with antioxidants and disease-fighting vitamins. These gourds aren’t for carving, they are a super bonafide superfood.  The bright orange color of pumpkin comes from its rich supply of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. This essential vitamin promotes eye health, and just a single cup of pumpkin provides over 200% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A.

I’m Cathy Isom…