Do you want something to grow with little to no upkeep? Cathy Isom explores the reasons why you should grow wildflowers. That’s coming up on This Land of ours.
Wildflowers come in many shapes and sizes and at different times of the year, blending a huge array of colors across the landscape. They do all of this without being planted, watered or preened over at all. They can be placed in our gardens and yards to enjoy at home, as well as benefit our local area.
An array of wildflowers will mean that pollen of some sort is available throughout the growing season. Not only does this help with bees, but it attracts other beautiful pollinators, such as butterflies.
Because wildflowers are self-seeding, this means round after round of flowers without having to spend more money on seeds or plants the following years. They don’t need special soil or mulch or even digging. Typically, planting wildflowers involves spreading seeds over the desired area and walking around on it to make sure the seeds get into the soil. Wildflowers set down roots and spread out over an area, which helps control erosion.
Many wildflowers are also edible, such as Dandelions, Clovers and Violets. They supply delicious leaves, as well as edible roots.
Another great thing about wildflowers is that they can grow potentially anywhere soil is available, in abandoned lots, on the side of the road, and in medians.
I’m Cathy Isom…