Growing a peculiar and tasty treat that’s known to resist many pests and diseases. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Pinterest Pinterest Cucumis metuliferus, also known as “Horned Melon”, sold under the name of “Kiwano”
By Anagoria – Own work, CC BY 3.0Pinterest Pinterest
Kiwanos have horned skin and look more like a cucumber on the inside than a melon. They have a wonderfully unique flavor, kind of like banana mixed with lime. Horned melons are known to resist many of the common pests and diseases that most other melons suffer from, so it’s a good option to try if you’ve struggled with growing melons before.
Plant Kiwano seeds in late spring when temps are warmer and after the last frost has passed. It’s best to use a trellis or something similar to allow the vine to climb. You can start horned melons inside if the temperature is not quite warm enough outside, but move them out as soon as the temperature allows. Plant the seed about 1/2 an inch to 1 inch deep. Sow in groups of three and space those clusters out to 18 inches apart. Water well, wetting the soil down to an inch.
There are a lot of plants that grow well with horned melon, including: cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, sunflower, lettuce and parsley.
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