
Growing Kale for Greens Year-round

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours


Cathy Isom gives you a few good tips about growing the low maintenance plant that will give you a continuous supply of greens throughout the year. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Growing Kale for Greens Year-round

Kale has about a dozen varieties and is one of the wonderfully versatile plants that you can transplant or sow nearly anytime during the season. Though it prefers cooler weather, warm summers won’t cause it to bolt or die off. Kale can be grown anywhere you have space for it.

Kale requires about an inch to an inch and a half water per week, though some varieties tolerate drought better than others. Its quick growing and easy to get going. And, if you trim kale at a reasonable rate it will continue producing. Keep this in mind however if you’re low on space.

Also beware of destructive pests that will love your kale, too.  The dreaded cabbage looper (also known as the cabbage moth or inch-worm) is one of the worst.

Harvesting kale is a cinch. Grab some scissors or a sharp knife and a bowl or bucket to put the harvested leaves.

I’m Cathy Isom…