chamomile plant

Growing the Enchanted Chamomile Plant

DanNursery crops, This Land of Ours

chamomile plant

Cathy Isom begins this series with filling us in about how to grow the enchanted chamomile plant. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. 

Growing the Enchanted Chamomile Plant

Chamomile is the quiet little nursemaid of the garden, supporting surrounding plants and attracting helpful insects.  Roman chamomile seeds should be started inside, about 6-8 weeks before transplanting them outdoors. They like warm, loose soil, so keep their little pots at around 70 degrees for ideal germination rates. Cover the seeds with just 1/4 inch of soil and keep it moist.  The seedlings will start popping up within three weeks, and will require plenty of light.  After about 5 weeks, get your chamomile seedlings outside to “harden off” before transplanting.

German Chamomile can be sown directly into the soil after any danger of frost has passed. Choose well-drained soil with average nutrients, and scatter the seeds before covering with about 1/4 inch of soil. Keep the ground moist and you’ll see an abundance of tiny seedling appear in about 14-20 days. Avoid overwatering as well. Chamomile can handle a moderate drought without any help.

I’m Cathy Isom…