
Growing Beans in Your Garden

DanThis Land of Ours, Vegetables


In planning what vegetables to grow, Cathy Isom has some great reasons for growing beans in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Growing Beans in Your Garden

If you’ve ever wondered about growing your very own beans at home, one plant can produce ample harvest.  The plants are sturdy and low-maintenance. And bean plants are an excellent companion for many other vegetables in the garden. 

Different bean varieties have unique flavor profiles and can add color to the garden. They deliver plenty of nutrition for the dinner plate, too, whether you eat them steamed, in soups, roasted, or refried. There are many bean varieties with many different requirements to grow them. So get to know your beans before you grow.

Some may sound familiar, like green beans, black beans, Fava beans, Bush Beans, Lima Beans and Great Northern Beans. Other varieties include:  Runner beans and Pole beans. 

The United States Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating about 3 cups of legumes, including beans, per week. If you eat about ½ cup of beans every day, you’ll meet the weekly Dietary Guidelines for legumes.

I’m Cathy Isom…

Image by Richard W. Pfeiffer from Pixabay