
Grow Veggies Differently-Hydroponics

DanThis Land of Ours

grow veggiesCathy Isom dives into a different way to grow veggies, or just about any plant, with very little space or soil. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Grow Veggies Differently-Hydroponics

You may be hearing the word Hydroponics a lot these days. It’s because it’s becoming quite popular for farmers and gardeners and urban garden designers who can grow plants vertically. Hydroponics is a system of growing food in water without the use of soils. There are several methods for using hydroponics, including wicking beds, floating platforms, flood-and-drain systems, and drip systems to name a few.

We know that plants can’t grow on water alone. So, hydroponic systems are not run purely on water but, more so, on nutrient solutions, water with dissolved minerals or infused with rich soils.

Plants are then stabilized in pots or small rocks so that their roots hang into this solution and are able to feed on the enriched liquid. This is especially helpful for those in urban areas where the soil isn’t available, but still, want to grow their own food at home.

Simply put, hydroponics could produce more food locally, just about anywhere and with little space. And with less natural resources.

Some of the fruits and veggies that grow best hydroponically include Eggplant, Lettuce, Peas, Peppers, Spinach, Tomatoes, Fruit, and Strawberries.

On tomorrow’s This Land, a closer look at advantages and disadvantages of using Hydroponics, and why we shouldn’t do away with soil just yet.

I;m Cathy Isom…

Image credit: (top right) pepper plant (hydroponic, greenhouse)
Copyright: phaitoon / 123RF Stock Photo