
Why Grow a Meyer Lemon Tree

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

growIf you would like a fruit tree you can grow indoors or out, Cathy Isom starts her series about why you should consider growing a Meyer Lemon tree. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Why Grow a Meyer Lemon Tree

If you’ve ever thought about growing your own lemon tree, you may want to consider this particular variety, the Meyer Lemon. They can be very rewarding, they’re beautiful, have sweet-smelling flowers, and provide lots of fruit.

There are some other varieties that also work well in containers: Libson dwarf, Ponderosa dwarf, and Dwarf Eureka. Whichever strain, it’s completely conceivable to have a lemon tree growing in most places in the United States.

The Meyer Lemon is a cross between a lemon and an orange tree.  The resulting fruit, while a lemon at heart, is a little sweeter than expected. The trees only get to be about 10 feet tall, allowing them to work as a container-grown tree, with the size of the container helping to determine how big the tree will become. A Meyer Lemon Tree grown indoors can be done successfully and with very little effort.

Meyer lemons are a bit sweeter than regular lemons, with a discernible orange flavor. The other nice thing is that, given the right conditions, Meyer lemons are self-pollinating, prolific producers that put out fragrant flowers and have evergreen leaves. They will contently grow indoors, but do have a few requirements if fruit production is what you have in mind.

More on that on tomorrow’s edition of This Land of Ours.

I’m Cathy Isom…

Image credit: (Featured image) By Debra Roby – originally posted to Flickr as Meyer Lemon, CC BY 2.0, Link