Heritage Foundation

Groups Support Heritage Foundation Farm Bill Report

DanGeneral, Industry News Release

Heritage Foundation
The Environmental Working Group and the Union of Concerned Scientists gave their reactions to the Heritage Foundation paper on the upcoming 2018 Farm Bill. The Heritage report called for an end to commodity support programs and federal crop insurance, saying that farm programs should only help in times of deep crop losses. The Hagstrom Report says Environmental Working Group Vice President Scott Haber said the report confirms how far the “so-called safety net” has strayed from its intended purpose. “It’s to help farmers weather the ups and downs in agriculture, and not to guarantee a level of income that’s well above incomes in average American households.” He said the EWG doesn’t support all the recommendation in the Heritage Foundation report, but they are pleased that the report will force policymakers to examine these programs more closely. Mike Lavender is the Washington representative for the Food and Environment Program within in the Union of Concerned Scientists. He said, “The Heritage report highlights many of the ill effects of the current farm program.” Lavender said there must be continued support for farmers, especially when they need it most, but added, “That support shouldn’t come at the cost of incentivizing certain crops and practices over others or supporting the largest and wealthiest farm businesses over others.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

Read about the Heritage Foundation looking toward the 2018 Farm Bill.

Read about more ag groups responding to the Heritage Foundation report.