House Vote on Trade Agreement Encourages Farmers
(CAFB) — Now that the House of Representatives has approved the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the California Farm Bureau Federation said it would urge the Senate to follow suit as soon as possible. The House approved the USMCA trade pact.
“Farmers, ranchers and tens of thousands of Californians whose jobs hinge on agricultural exports will gain from the USMCA,” CFBF President Jamie Johansson said. “We hope the Senate will approve the agreement early in the new year, so it can be implemented quickly.”
Johansson said more than 56,000 jobs rely on California food and agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico—the No. 2 and No. 5 foreign markets for the state’s food and farm products.
“The USMCA will bring benefits throughout the food chain,” he said. “Stronger ties with our North American neighbors will help California farmers, ranchers and agricultural businesses. The agreement will also maintain and add jobs for people at ports, marketing companies, food processors, trucking firms and other businesses that help move California farm products to customers.”
Johansson said passage of the USMCA has been a key priority for Farm Bureau and other agricultural organizations this year.
“Farmers and ranchers around California and throughout the country have visited their representatives and contacted them by phone and email, encouraging this result,” he said. “We will continue working to assure Senate ratification, so California sees the full benefits of the USMCA as soon as possible.”
The California Farm Bureau Federation works to protect family farms and ranches on behalf of nearly 34,000 members statewide and as part of a nationwide network of nearly 5.6 million Farm Bureau members.
Source: California farm Bureau Federation
America’s Cattle Producers Hail House Passage Of USMCA
NCBA Urges Senate to Swiftly Follow House’s Lead
(NCBA) — National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) President Jennifer Houston issued the following statement regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ approval of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) by a vote of 385-41:
“This was a crucial win for all U.S. beef producers and a reassurance that U.S. beef will continue to have duty-free access to Canada and Mexico,” said Houston. “A big thank-you goes to the Trump Administration and every lawmaker who voted to approve USMCA. Of course, there is still more work left to do, so I urge the Senate to swiftly pass the USMCA and send it to the President’s desk.”
Source: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
U.S. Wheat Industry Praises House of Representatives for Advancing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
(USW-NAWG) — U.S wheat growers are very pleased that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). This past year, the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and U.S. Wheat Associates have forcefully spoken out on their behalf about the need for the USMCA.
“Agriculture desperately needed a win for economic recovery, and passing the USMCA was that win,” said National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) President and Lavon, Tex., farmer Ben Scholz. “NAWG applauds those Members of Congress for their support and hard work to advance this critical trade deal one step closer to the finish line. We encourage the Senate to follow its lead and pass this deal early in the new year.”
“Mexico’s flour millers import more U.S. wheat than any other country and they have been very anxious about the outcome of this trade agreement,” said U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Chairman and Paulding, Ohio, farmer Doug Goyings. “At the end of a conference with those millers last June, we agreed to work together to get USMCA implemented. Our colleagues at NAWG have enthusiastically joined that effort on Capitol Hill and we thank them for their support.”
USMCA retains tariff-free access to imported U.S. wheat for those long-time flour milling customers in Mexico, a crucial step toward rebuilding trust in the U.S. as a reliable supplier in this important, neighboring market. In addition, the USMCA makes important progress towards more open commerce for U.S. wheat farmers near the Canadian border by allowing U.S. varieties registered in Canada to receive reciprocal grading treatment.
Other measures that benefit the wheat industry include the Agreement’s language around agricultural biotechnology which supports 21st Century innovations in agriculture and new language to strengthen disciplines for science-based SPS measures.
Source: U. S. Wheat Associates and National Association of Wheat Growers
NCGA: House Passes USMCA, Delivers a Win for Agriculture
(NCGA) — National Corn Growers Association President Kevin Ross thanked members of the U.S. House of Representatives for their bipartisan approval of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Ross made the following statement.
“Corn farmers have been working toward this vote for nearly a year, sending emails, having meetings and making phone calls to their representatives in support of USMCA. All of agriculture should be incredibly proud to see these efforts pay off with such a strong, bipartisan vote. We wouldn’t be at this stage in the ratification process without the hard work of individual farmers across the country. Ratifying USMCA has been NCGA’s top legislative priority because Mexico and Canada are the U.S. corn industry’s largest, most reliable markets.
“NCGA thanks members of the House for their votes in support, along with President Trump and his administration’s continued efforts to come to a bipartisan consensus. It’s now up to members of the U.S. Senate to quickly pass USMCA in the new year.”
Source: National Corn Growers Association
ARA Applauds House Passage of USMCA as a Win for America’s Farmers
(ARA) — The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) applauds the House passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) announced because it will advance two of the most important markets for American farmers and agribusinesses.
“There is no doubt the House passage of USMCA is a win for America’s farmers, agribusinesses and the communities they serve,” says ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock. “This historic trade agreement will benefit agricultural retailers and their farmer customers by expanding market access and preserving zero-tariff platforms among ag products. The agreement is expected to increase ag exports and gross domestic product at a time when the ag economy sorely needs a boost.”
Food and agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico amounted to more than $39.7 billion in 2018 and supported more than 325,000 American jobs, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“We applaud the efforts of the Trump administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Frankly, we need more of this bipartisanship in Washington,” says Coppock. “We look forward to the Senate taking swift action to finalize passage in the new year.”
The response rate to ARA’s USMCA Ratification alert is the association’s most successful grassroots advocacy campaign to date and surpassed the previous most popular alert with nearly 30 percent more responses. ARA encourages members and agricultural retailers to sign up for grassroots alerts from ARA to stay informed on issues impacting their businesses.
ARA is part of the USMCA Coalition and participated in several social media days of action urging Congressional leaders to pass the USMCA in a series of coordinated social media posts.
Source: Agricultural Retailers Association
U.S. Dairy Industry Praises House Passage of USMCA, Urges Senate Action
(NMPF – USDEC) — The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) and National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) praised the House of Representatives for approving legislation implementing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
“USMCA will bring tangible benefits to the U.S. dairy industry by upgrading trade rules, opening the Canadian market to U.S. dairy exports and preserving our valuable market access in Mexico,” said Tom Vilsack, president and CEO of USDEC. “Today’s bipartisan vote is indicative of the need to immediately secure these benefits for dairy and all of agriculture.”
“This vote brings us one step closer to finalizing USMCA and securing a more certain future for America’s farmers and ranchers,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “It is imperative that the Senate act now to finalize USMCA.”
Ambassador Robert Lighthizer worked diligently alongside members of Congress to address outstanding concerns and deliver an improved trade pact. The House passage of USMCA and its broad range of support is a testament to their efforts.
USMCA makes important changes to Canada’s trade-distorting policies, reforms Canada’s controversial dairy pricing system and provides exclusive access to the Canadian market for U.S. farmers and manufacturers. The trade deal also strengthens our relationship with Mexico and establishes new protections for common cheese names, using a combination of approaches to protect the continued use of a number of generic cheese terms, such as parmesan and feta.
Source: National Milk Producers Federation and U.S. Dairy Export Council
Farm Credit Applauds House Passage of USMCA
(FC) — Farm Credit Council CEO Todd Van Hoose made the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives passing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
“House passage of USMCA is welcome news and an important first step in the process to ratify this important agreement. USMCA stabilizes our relationship with our top two trading partners and will result in more U.S. agricultural exports. We appreciate the Trump Administration’s leadership in securing the agreement with Canada and Mexico, and the House Leadership’s decision to work in a bipartisan fashion to adopt USMCA. And we look forward to quick action by the Senate.”
Source: Farm Credit Council
RFA Applauds House Approval of USMCA
(RFA) — The Renewable Fuels Association lauded a vote by the U.S. House of Representatives approving the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), a crucial trade pact that will benefit U.S. ethanol producers and rural economies across the nation. New fact sheets released today by RFA highlight the significance of the Canadian and Mexican export markets to U.S. ethanol producers. RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper offered the following statement:
“America’s ethanol producers are encouraged by the approval of USMCA in the House, and we urge the Senate to act swiftly to ratify the agreement. Canada and Mexico are among our most important and reliable export markets for both ethanol and distillers grains, and we look forward to strengthening our trading relationship with the two countries. USMCA is a good deal for the U.S. ethanol industry, the farmers who support us, and our industry’s partners in Canada and Mexico.”
In 2018, Canada ranked second for ethanol exports from the United States, purchasing 350 million gallons, and ranked in the Top 10 for distillers grains. Canada has imported more ethanol from the United States since 2012 than any other country in the world. Click here for more information.
Mexico was the top export market for U.S. distillers grains in 2018, importing more than 2 million metric tons, and ranked in the Top 10 for ethanol exports. Click here for more information.

Source: Renewable Fuels Association
ASTA Praises Passage of USMCA
(ASTA) — The following is a statement from American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) President & CEO Andy LaVigne regarding passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade:
“The House’s bipartisan passage of USMCA is great news for the American seed industry and agriculture as a whole. Seed is a global industry, with U.S. exports totaling $1.9 billion in 2018. Seed exports to the U.S.’ largest markets—Mexico and Canada—combined for a total of $630 million.
“The USMCA includes the seed industry’s core priorities for trade. Specifically, the agreement: provides stronger support for agricultural biotechnology; recognizes the importance of evolving plant breeding methods like gene editing; strengthens science-based sanitary and phytosanitary regulations; and provides strong intellectual property protections, including a requirement for the adoption of UPOV 91 by the agreement participating countries.
“Trade is absolutely essential for the livelihood of American farmers and the U.S. economy at large, especially when we look at our neighbors to the North and the South. The USMCA expands market opportunities with our biggest trading partners and we’re hopeful for swift passage by the Senate early in the new year.”
Source: American Seed Trade Association