processed meats

Group Sues to Ban Processed Meats in CA Schools

DanEducation, Industry News Release

processed meats
The Los Angeles, California, school district is being sued by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine because of processed meats on the district’s breakfast and lunch menus for children. An Associated Press report says the group filed a similar lawsuit against school districts in San Diego County. They’re asking the court to ban the districts from offering processed meats because they say there is a recognized association between eating processed meats and developing cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The suit claims serving processed meats violates the California Educational Code, which says foods must be of the “highest quality and provide the greatest nutritional value.” The Physicians Committee is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit group that advocates in favor of a vegetarian or a vegan diet. The North American Meat Institute calls the lawsuit a publicity stunt. “We stand by the nutrition benefits that meat, both fresh and processed, provide for growing children, such as being a good source of iron, zinc, and Vitamin B12,” said spokeswoman Janet Riley.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.