Governor Newsom Signs 30×30 Executive Order

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry

Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed another executive order aimed at addressing climate change in California. The order will bring the state in line with the 30×30 pledge that’s been adopted by 38 countries. The pledge constitutes conserving 30 percent of land and coastal water by 2030. California would be the first state to commit to the conservation goals of the pledge.


“Once again, California is taking on the mantle of global climate leadership and advancing bold strategies to fight climate change,” Newsom said in a news release. “The science is clear that, in our existential fight against climate change, we must build on our historic efforts in energy and emissions and focus on our lands as well. California’s beautiful natural and working lands are an important tool to help slow and avert catastrophic climate change, and today’s executive order provides important new tools to take on this existential threat.”

State agencies will be tasked with carrying out the provisions of the latest executive order described as a pillar of Newsom’s climate agenda. The order prioritizes healthy soil management, wetlands restoration, forest management, and expanding green infrastructure in urban areas. Little detail was provided for how state agencies are expected to implement the 30×30 pledge.  It directs the California Natural Resources Agency to form a California Biodiversity Collaborative to develop strategies for carrying out the conservation goals.

A similar effort to get California to commit to the 30×30 concept was already proposed as a legislative matter. Assembly Bill 3030 sought to achieve the same goals as the executive order before it stalled in the Legislature. A diverse array of more than 40 industry groups had voiced their opposition to the legislation. Several concerns were raised as to how the effort would affect housing, easements, and grazing.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West