Good Year for Christmas Tree Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Christmas tree
The holidays are in full swing, and that means it’s Christmas Tree season. Sabrina Hill has more on this year’s harvest, and why some say live trees are better for the earth than artificial trees.
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About 98 percent of Christmas trees sold are grown on farms, and most of the crop in California was hearty this year. There were some farms in higher elevations that had a little trouble because of the dry year, but overall, California Christmas trees are doing well.
According to the California Christmas Tree Association’s Website, real Christmas Trees are much better for the environment than artificial trees, which are not biodegradable and are often made from polyvinyl choloride – or PVC. And since real trees are farmed, when they’re harvested, more trees are planted in their place. This helps clean the air and keep the soil useable.
Click here for the CCTA’s tips on how to best care for a live tree, including how often to water the tree and the best kind of lights to use on a real tree.