
Vermont Stops GMO Label Enforcement

DanGeneral, Industry News Release, Technology

GMO free rubber stamp.
Vermont this week announced the state has stopped enforcement of its GMO labeling law, following President Barak Obama signing the national GMO labeling bill that preempts state laws.

Vermont’s Attorney General William Sorrell issued the announcement Tuesday saying he was pleased Vermont spurred Congress to act. However, Sorrell added “it is unfortunate that corporate interests were ultimately able to water down Vermont’s clear disclosure standard” through the federal law. He says his office intends to “take an active role” as the focus moves from the legislative process to the regulatory process at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, according to Politico. Sorrel is opposed to provisions in the federal law that allows for the use of smart labels directing consumers to more information. USDA has two years to complete the rulemaking process but has not ruled out rushing the process through the final months of the Obama administration.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.