Global Cleantech Recognizes Ag Companies

Taylor HillmanIndustry News Release, Technology, Water

Global Gleantech
Several companies in the agriculture sector, such as Hortau, were added to Global Cleantech’s 100 companies to watch list. Hortau says they are honored to be on the list and issued this release about the recognition with a link to the full list of companies.

Hortau, a provider of precision irrigation management systems and services for agriculture since 2002, has been named to the Global Cleantech 100 Companies to Watch List.

Produced by the Cleantech Group, the Global Cleantech lists recognize companies that are best positioned to solve tomorrow’s clean technology challenges and have the greatest impact on the market.

The entire watch list is available at:

According to the Cleantech Group website, “The Ones to Watch list seeks to highlight a group of upcoming companies that are catching the eye of leading players in the market.”

Hortau was also recognized this week for its work in the agriculture and cleantech industries at the VerdeXchange Conference, where CEO and co-founder Jocelyn Boudreau spoke before government officials and policy makers about water innovation and the challenges facing today’s farmers.

“It’s a nice feather in our cap, being recognized by the cleantech community for our work,” Boudreau said. “We have built an amazing team of people that is passionate about precision agriculture, and helping the farming industry use the latest technology to combat the challenges of climate change and dwindling water resources.

“Agriculture is currently in the early stage of a technological revolution in terms of innovating, and leveraging the information-age tools to grow more food with less inputs and strain on the environment,” Boudreau added. “We’re fortunate in that we see innovation making a difference in the field every day, and we look forward to moving our agricultural Internet of Things platform into the mainstream.”

Hortau’s smart irrigation management system, combined with its easy-to-use mobile software, reports to growers how crops are faring in real time – before stresses such as drought or lack of aeration can have a negative impact on the crop.

This proprietary, plant-centric approach helps detect plant stress using soil tension, ensuring optimal crop growth, and reducing water and energy consumption, as well as environmental impacts such as fertilizer leaching.

Visit for more information on Hortau’s proprietary irrigation management systems, and simplified software and mobile apps, or contact us at (805) 545-5994, ext. 358 or