fsa county committee

FSA County Committees Seeking Nominations by August 1

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting nominations to serve on county committees. More than 7,700 individuals serve on Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committees across the country. Nominations for FSA county committees will need to be completed by August 1. Ballots for the election will be mailed out to eligible voters in November. Members of the agricultural community are encouraged to serve on committees to help guide the local administration of federal farming programs.

fsa county committees

“Producers serving on FSA county committees play a critical role in the day-to-day operations of the agency, and they serve as the eyes and ears for the producers who elected them,” FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said in a press release. “I encourage you to consider serving the farmers, ranchers and producers in your community on your local FSA county committee, and I thank you in advance for your public service.”

Nominations are open for individuals participating or cooperating in a USDA program and who reside in the Local Administrative Areas (LAA) that are up for election. A cooperating producer is considered someone who has provided information about their agricultural operation to FSA but has not received any program benefits. LAAs are elective areas for FSA committees in a single county or multi-county jurisdiction. Ducheneaux explained that after hearing from industry members, a new tool is being unveiled to make it easier to participate in the process. Individuals can find their local LAA by using the new GIS locator tool.

Between three and 11 members serving three-year terms make up individual committees. Forms and other information about the FSA county committees can be found online. Individuals can nominate themselves or others. Qualifying organizations also have the ability to nominate candidates. Members help FSA carry out a variety of programs relating to disasters, conservation, price support, and other agricultural issues.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West