Fresno Food Expo

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Food Expo
It’s becoming known a marketing opportunity for food growers, producers, winemakers and brewers in the San Joaquin Valley. Sabrina Hill reports on the Fresno Food Expo.

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Registration is underway for the third annual Fresno Food Expo. It’s scheduled for March 14, 2013 at the Fresno Convention Center. Exhibitors have until February 15 to register. Fresno is the state’s top ag-producing county, and 6 of California’s top 10 ag counties are in the San Joaquin Valley. Any grower or food producer in the Valley is invited to be an exhibitor. All retail and food service buyers, distributors, chefs and restaurateurs can attend the Fresno Food Expo for free. Tickets for the general public to attend the event are $40 each.
For more information, click here.