
Former Trump Transition Leader Warns of Two-thirds Cut of EPA Staff

DanIndustry News Release

A leader involved in the Trump Transition team says to expect budget and employment cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. Myron Ebell(Eb-bell) was the former head of President Donald Trump’s EPA transition team and has suggested cutting the EPA workforce to 5,000, about a two-thirds reduction over the next four years. He says the EPA’s $8.1 billion budget would also be sliced in half under his recommendations, according to the Washington Post. Ebell, along with Trump, favors the cuts as a way to curb regulatory overreach by the EPA. Ebell says the overreach would be much harder if “the agency is a lot smaller.” While he says cutting 10,000 staffers may not be realistic, he called it an “aspirational goal,” saying “you’re not going to get Congress to make significant cuts unless you ask for significant cuts.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.