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Foods that Grow Best in Small Space Gardens

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours


If you live in a building that offers no yard for a garden. That doesn’t mean you can’t have one. Cathy Isom offers you suggestions on some of the foods that will grow best in the smallest of gardening spaces.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Foods that Grow Best in Small Space Gardens

You can grow a garden just about anywhere and you don’t have to have a big yard to do it.  So many great foods will grow in the tiniest of spaces.  In fact, in just ten or twenty square feet, it’s possible to provide fresh food for the table on a daily basis.

Part of the trick is picking the right plants.  Blueberries and strawberries, for example.  They do really well in containers and work well in hanging baskets.  Lettuce is another food that doesn’t need much space to grow. How about grapes?  A grape vine will happily grow upwards and produce fruit above everything else. The grape vine leaves can be stuffed and eaten as well.  Tomatoes and peppers are another balcony or small space favorite. Also Nasturtium.  Great for adding some colorful (and edible flowers), as well as distracting aphids away from those tomatoes. Nasturtium is an easy-growing addition to the garden. These plants are generally tough and actually prefer being ignored a bit, meaning they are low-maintenance.  Furthermore, they are entirely edible:  leaves, flowers, and seeds.  That’s hard to beat!

I’m Cathy Isom…