
Flowers that Shouldn’t be Planted Near a Vegetable Garden

DanFruits & Vegetables, Nursery crops, This Land of Ours

The flowers you shouldn’t plant near your vegetable garden.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


Whether you’re planting flower companion plants or trap crops, there are some plants that simply should not be mixed.

Certain flower bulbs, such as those that resemble garlic or onions, could be mistaken for the plants you can eat. Oleander and Foxglove, while beautiful, shouldn’t be planted near your vegetables. All parts of these plants are toxic and harmful to your health. Gladiolus should be kept out of the garden especially if you’re growing legumes like peas and beans.  Because they are known to hinder the development of these plants as they grow. Sunflowers, too. While these tall gorgeous flowers add a lot to a vegetable garden in terms of their beauty and attractiveness to pollinators, you need to be mindful of where you place them so you don’t overshadow the smaller sun-loving plants.

On tomorrow’s program we’ll talk about the flowers you should plant near veggies.

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Flowers that Shouldn’t be Planted Near a Vegetable Garden