
Flowers Help to Save the Bee Population

DanThis Land of Ours

flowersWe all want to do our part in helping to save our pollinators. Cathy Isom has a bit of information on the four flowers we can plant to help save the bee population. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

We need bees and they need us.

One way to help them out, so they will keep pollinating the flowers and blossoms that eventually turn into the foods we flowerslove, is by planting things that will keep them around and coming back for more.

Hollyhocks: These flowers come in a variety of stunning, bee-attracting colors, make for excellent garden decor and will return each year for several years.

Purple Coneflower, or Echinacea, are not only stunning to look at, they provide easy access for bees to land and have a snack.

flowersShasta Daisies: bees like these because of the big yellow center of the flower that’s easy to spot and land on.

And one of the easiest flowers to grow for bees is the Sedum Spectabile – or “Brilliant.” It’s known to attract butterflies with its showy or brilliant flower pods. These plants are also tolerant for the cooler months of the year.

I’m Cathy Isom…