FID Extends Water Deliveries

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Water

Medium Water FarmGrowers in the Fresno Irrigation District get an extension on their water deliveries.

During the Board Meeting held on June 17, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to extend the 2014 Irrigation Season for an additional two weeks. This means that the FID will be able to run a full two months throughout the entire District.

Gary Serrato, FID General Manager, stated, “The District is able to extend the season due to receiving a higher than anticipated entitlement from April’s through July’s runoff.”

Farmers will now be able to receive a full irrigation allotment during the month of July instead of the originally scheduled half allotment. The 2014 Irrigation Season started on June 1 and is currently scheduled to end on July 31.

Mr. Serrato also noted, “That it is very important for farmers and others to continue to conserve water through this period of serious drought.”