A research project seeks to improve carrots resistance to challenging conditions like water shortages and disease. The project funded by a half a million dollar grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and an additional half million dollars from other industry partners, is being led by researchers from UC Davis and the USDA.
The team is focusing on wild carrots and their ability to thrive under water deficient conditions and resist Alternaria. The researchers are screening various wild carrot types to identify the ones with the best traits.
Once they identify the most promising wild carrots, they will cross breed them with cultivated carrots to introduce these beneficial traits into commercial varieties. The team’s also studying the genetic basis of these traits to ensure they can be effectively passed on to future generations of carrots.
The improved carrot seeds and breeding methods developed from the research will be shared with major seed companies and crop breeders.
Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West