Federal Indictment for CA Slaughterhouse

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

meatA Federal indictment names two employees and the co-owner of Petaluma-based Rancho Feeding Corp charged with distribution of adulterated and misbranded meat, mail fraud and conspiracy. Sabrina Hill has more.

Federal Indictment for CA Slaughterhouse

The federal charges unsealed this week, name co-owner Jesse Amaral Jr along with two employees of the now defunct California company, according to Meatingplace. The indictment alleges Amaral instructed employees to process cattle that had been condemned by the USDA veterinarian. The charges stem from an investigation of the company following the recall of 8.7 million pounds of beef earlier this year.

The allegations include processing USDA condemned cattle, removing the “USDA Condemned” stamp from the cattle carcasses and processing the condemned cattle, among other allegations to cover up the activity. The slaughterhouse closed in February after the product recall.