Farm Bill

Farmers Still Support Trump but Worry Over Farm Bill

DanIndustry News Release

farmersWhile some polls say President Trump’s support base has begun to slip, a new Farm Futures survey shows a majority of farmers (55 percent) would give Trump an A or B if they were to assign a grade to him on domestic issues. 26 percent would give him a C. The survey found that farmers seem to be mostly okay with Trump’s work on domestic issues. A slightly smaller number at 49 percent would give Trump an A or B on agricultural issues. The survey found producers seriously worried about the new farm bill. 76 percent are worried the new farm bill won’t provide an adequate safety net for their farms. 39 percent of farmers surveyed listed the new farm bill as their number one business priority. 23 percent listed tax reform as their number one priority while 12 percent listed cutting back on government spending, eight percent selected increasing infrastructure spending as their top priority, and regulatory reform were chosen by five percent of respondents. 58 percent of farmers don’t expect Congress to approve spending money for infrastructure improvements over the next year. 86 percent of farmers say the president’s attempts to decrease regulations are a good thing for their farms.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.