
Farmers Focus on Consumer’s Wants, Nutritional Value Food Labels

Danielle LealAgri-Business

People who attended the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s 2018 Stakeholders Summit earlier this month discussed the farmer, the consumer and nutritional value food labels that connect the two.

Other topics included the future of agriculture, how consumers view products found at the grocery store and how to build the relationship between the grower and the consumer. The summit started off with the announcement of a new study which proved the consumer wants to know more about the food they are putting in their bodies.

nutritional value food labelsThe study which was made up of two surveys with responses from 500 people nationwide found that, “nutrition is critical in food label information,” officials said. The report also showed that figuring out the ends and outs of a product’s nutritional value– while beneficial– can be a challenge.

Hannah Thompson-Weeman, vice president of communications for Animal Agriculture Alliance said when a consumer walks into a grocery store and looks at the nutritional value food label listed on their food they often become confused.

“What that researched showed is that people do tend to be confused,” Thompson-Weeman said. “They are overwhelmed by both the legal information on the label like nutrition and ingredients but also the claims that are out there.”

Now, people in the agriculture industry want to find a simpler way to get the information about their products out to the public. Thompson added that gathering information about what the consumers wants is important for the industry to move forward.

Listen to Thompson-Weeman’s full interview below.