Farmers and Immigration Reform

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Poultry, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Barry Bedwell
Now is the time to push lawmakers on the topic of immigration, according to a California ag leader. Sabrina Hill reports.
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US lawmakers are working on a new immigration reform bill, and that’s why the president of the California Grape and Tree Fruit League says now is the time for the farm community to take action.

“I think that we all have to realize that this is a generational opportunity,” Bedwell said. “If we don’t take advantage of this, if we don’t put the right amount of pressure, specifically to the house members, this could be an opportunity that will be missed. And I think we’ll look back and regret it. This is the time to really push and get this done.”

Barry Bedwell recommends that people contact their representatives with thoughts on how the immigration bill can affect agriculture and the nation’s food supply.

To find your House representative, click here.

To find your Senator, click here.

For the California Grape and Tree Fruit League, click here.