Farmer Feedback Survey

Taylor HillmanFeatures, This Land of Ours

Photo by luxomedia

Photo by luxomedia

What the American Farm Bureau Federation wants to know about a handful of Ag Department programs through a farmer feedback survey. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

This Land of Ours – Farmer Feedback

A survey by the American Farm Bureau Federation is collecting feedback from farmers through the USDA Program Survey. The focus is on programs from the Farm Service Agency, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Rural Development. Farm Bureau’s Lisa Benson says through the survey, farmers will have the opportunity to help improve USDA programs.

“Our goal here is to learn really what people’s experiences are, whether they’re good bad or ugly. We want it to be honest feedback and what’s wonderful is USDA is asking us for this feedback. They really want to learn how to improve and strengthen their programs.”
Results of the survey will be used by AFBF to develop recommendations on how USDA can enhance its programs and make them more useful to farmers and ranchers across the country.
“We’ll compile all the results into a final report and we’ll also create a condensed bullet list for each of the USDA program leads specifically on their programs, what we heard back from farmers and ranchers and suggestions to help improve their programs, or things that really work well that we suggest they support more in the coming years.”
All farmers and ranchers, not just Farm Bureau members, are encouraged to take the survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete.
“The survey is open to all farmers, ranchers and producers in the U.S. and the link is online. Be sure to give your two cents on your experience with USDA and make sure that your crops, your commodities are represented in our final results.” To find the survey online, go to h-t-t-p, colon, double forward slash u-s-d-a programs dot question pro dot com. 
Find the survey online at