
Fall Garden Transition Do’s and Don’ts

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

transitionOur Fall gardening is winding down and it is time to transition over to Winter gardening. Cathy Isom gives us the Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to Fall gardening. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Fall Garden Transition Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to gardening in the late fall, it’s important to have a do’s list… but also a don’ts list, too. And depending on where you live, the climate will determine exactly where you’ll be with transitioning from fall to winter gardening.

Chances are, by now, the garden harvest has slowed down quite a bit.

Things to put on your To Do List include: planting seeds, dividing mature plants, adjusting soil pH, mineralizing soil PH, and adding compost.

And then, the things to put on the Don’t do list should include: Don’t cut down self-seeding flowers and herbs, don’t prune trees and vines – not quite yet – wait until later in the winter; and, don’t fertilize. Fertilizer, added in fall, encourages plants to produce heavy top growth that will be more subject to winter frost damage.

We’ll have more tips for your fall gardening transition coming up on tomorrow’s program.

I’m Cathy Isom…