Fall Citrus Meeting

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

The fall citrus meeting is coming up next week in Tulare.
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It’s from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Tulare County Agricultural Building. It kicks off with a presentation by Dr. Mark Hoddle of the University of California Riverside on the biological control of Asian citrus psyllid. Following that is a presentation on the effect of microsprinkler location in citrus by Neil O’Connell of the Cooperative Extension in Tulare County. Dr. Richard Snyder of the University of California Davis will present concepts in frost protection, and Dr. Marylou Polek of the Citrus Research Board will speak on Huanglongbing Disease distribution and research approaches. The meeting will wrap up with a David DeGroot of 4 Creeks Incorporated talking about proposed Regional Water Quality Control Board General Order Requirements.

The meeting is next Thursday, October 3, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Tulare County Agricultural Building.