
FACA Farm Bill Priorities Heralded by Industry Members

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Farm Bill

The Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance (FACA) has released its 2023 Farm Bill Policy Recommendations. Developed by a 23-member steering committee, the FACA farm bill priorities are divided into several categories. Proposals center on issues of energy, food waste, forestry, livestock and dairy, conservation, risk management and credit, and research and extension. Over 100 recommendations are laid out in the 30-page document. Several member organizations have celebrated the release of the policy recommendations and are eager to engage with lawmakers.

FACA Farm Bill

“Despite a pandemic, severe weather, volatile markets and rising costs, farmers continue to meet the growing needs of America’s families, and the farm bill helps make that possible,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “We look forward to working with Congress to strengthen Title I programs, improve risk management tools, and utilize these FACA recommendations to advance our sustainability mission in a manner that respects farmers and ranchers as partners.”

Many FACA farm bill priorities focus on the continued support of voluntary, incentive-based conservation. Recommendations include increasing the amount of technical assistance that is available and reforming assistance approaches for various conservation practices. The 80+ member alliance was first launched in 2020 to help bolster climate solutions throughout the supply chain. FACA represents the interests of farmers, manufacturers, environmental advocates, educational associations, and state governments, among others.

“NASDA is proud to have participated in the development of the FACA farm bill recommendations, and we look forward to working with members of Congress,” said National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) CEO Ted McKinney. “Bringing together the viewpoints of agriculturalists, environmentalists, forest owners and government, the FACA farm bill recommendations chart a clear pathway to support U.S. farmers and ranchers in our shared mission to produce food, fuel and fiber for everyone.”

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West