European Grapevine Moth Quarantine Lifted in Solano County and Portions of Napa and Sonoma Counties

DanIndustry News Release, Tree, nut & vine crops

euro_grapevine_moth_adu-lgCalifornia Department of Food and AgricultureState and federal agricultural officials are lifting the European grapevine moth quarantine in Solano County and in portions of Napa and Sonoma counties. The action is the result of significant progress to remove the pest through regulatory and eradication efforts, as well as the vigilance of growers and local communities.

“This is excellent news for California’s winegrape growers and wine producers,” said CDFA Secretary Karen Ross. “We must now continue our efforts and ultimately rid California of the European grapevine moth.”

Approximately 240 square miles are released from quarantine. Maps of the remaining quarantine area (approximately 446 square miles) and related information may be found online at: Growers in affected counties with questions may contact their local agricultural commissioner.

The European grapevine moth, or Lobesia botrana, is originally from southern Europe. The pest primarily damages grapes, but has also been known to feed on other crops and plants. First and second generation larvae feed on flowers and developing berries in the spring and summer. Third generation larvae occur in August and September and cause the greatest damage by webbing and feeding inside berries and within bunches, which become contaminated with frass. Feeding damage to berries also exposes them to infection by Botrytis and other secondary fungi.

Grapes are the number one agricultural plant commodity grown in California with a production value of $6.9 billion in 2012.