
EPA Seeking “New Tone”

DanIndustry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking a “new tone” with a change in leadership. Andrew Wheeler, who now serves as the acting administrator of the EPA, is aiming for a more transparent direction with “a change coming,” compared to how epaformer administrator Scott Pruitt ran the agency.

The EPA says Wheeler will be open about his schedule, speaking engagements and travel, along with seeking a better relationship with media. However, while the approach may change, the agenda at EPA doesn’t.

Politico reports that Wheeler will still pursue much the same policy platform, fighting the courts to roll back a slate of Obama-era regulations on climate change, air pollution, stream protection and more.

A former Clinton administration climate advisor told the New York Times that: “Many worry Wheeler will be more effective at implementing Trump’s anti-environmental agenda than Pruitt was.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.